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​​05/10/2024 - Wareout Festival

 21/09/2024 - Trio PARTY - WEST COUNTRY 

30/08/2024 - 10th anniversary party, st Stephen’s with Shane & the Korrados + Jax & Co 

31/08/2024 - trio show, trinity park bike show 

31/08/2024 - Woodbridge festival, elmhurst park, trio set 

01/09/2024 - trio big multicultural festival Alexandra park 

25/08/2024 - trio set, Maui Waui 

24/08/2024 - trio show, Lowestoft 

23/08/2024 - duo show maybush 

17/08/2024 - trio festival set, Maldon 

28/07/2024 - trio set, beetlejuiced festival, Jimmys farm 

02/08/2024 - Hot Rod Hayride, Bisley, Surrey 

21/07/2024 - trio festival set, royal Ascot 

20/07/2024 - WEDDING - TRIO - Venue 16 

13/07/2024 - trio festival set, Bures Music festival 

18/07/2024 - trio show, head out not home, gentleman’s walk, Norwich 

14/07/2024 - trio set, riverside theatre, Woodbridge 

07/07/2024 - Ipswich music day 

06/07/2024 - TRIO - WEDDING - NORFOLK 

29/06/2024 - trio show, coda Colchester 

22/06/2024 - Scratch band dep work - Leamington Spa 

20/06/2024 - duo show, UCS summer degree show, university of suffolk. 

08/06/2024 - TRIO, Cedarwood School Fayre 

01/06/2024 - red rooster festival, MainStage Euston hall 

01/06/2024 - trio show, suffolk smugglers, sizewell                                                                                                                                                                                                             18/05/2024 - trio show, tollboothDedham 

12/05/2024 - full band show, spring break classic car show, stonham barns 

06/05/2024 - full band Claydon recreation ground 

05/05/2024 - full band Hoxne pavilion 

04/05/2024 - full band wedding suffolk barn, hawstead 

27/04/2024 - Jack Rabbit Slim, Red Hot Riot, Lockerbillies st Stephens Ipswich full band 

20/04/2024 - The Meteors support, bar 229, London trio show 

12/04/2024 - red hot riot support set, Trio the reindeer, Norwich 

06/04/2024 - trio show, coda Colchester 

03/04/2024 - trio wedding, a listers Woodbridge 

30/03/2024 - full band show, steamboat tavern 

10/03/2024 - trio show, the reindeer, Norwich 

08/03/2024 - The Mayors charity ball, Ipswich corn exchange, full band 

27/02/2024 - duo show, Chinese checquers, Stowmarket 

09/02/2024 - Restless, Toto and the Raw Deals, Lockerbillies Music Room Ipswich 

27/01/2024 - full band party,Brightlingsea

20/01/2024 - full band show, nine lives rock n roll club Chelmsford 

31/12/2023 - full band new years show, bacton village hall 

23/12/2023 - full band wedding, tithe barn Sproughton 

25/11/2023 - trio show, rendlesham social club 

16/11/2023 - Gaz’s rockin blues, London 

27/10/2023 - Halloween show with Darrel Higham and Jane Rose and the Dead Ends 

14/10/2023 - trio show, foxy rock mistley village hall. 

07/10/2023 - full band show with Josh Carr 

07/10/2023 - 1pm trio set, Woodbridge festival 

5/10/2023 - duo show, wine boutique Ipswich 

23/09/2023 - trio private party, Orwell hotel 

24/09/2023 - trio show jardins, Braintree 

21/09/2023 - full band show, meta offices, London 

16/09/2023 - trio wedding, Bridge Farm, Brandeston 

8th-10th September 2023 - Goodwood revival, full band 


09/08/2023 - full band wedding, Glemham hall 

19/08/2023 - CANCELLED trio show, the fox, Barking, Suffolk 

29/07/2023 - Trio show, Railway Tavern, Mellis 

28/07/2023 - full band show the anchor inn, Stratford st Mary 

23/07/2023 - trio show Multicultural fest, Alexander park 

15/07/2023 - Full band, Wheathill Campsite, Willisham 

22/07/2023 - full band show, steamboat tavern 


02/07/2023 - trio music day after party, spread eagle Ipswich 

01/07/2023 - trio birthday party, Felixstowe sailing club 

29/06/2023 - duo show, museum of east Anglian life, Stowmarket 

22/06/2023 - duo show, UCS art exhibition 

18/06/2023 - duo show, The Dicky, Brantham 

10/06/2023 - trio set, rendlesham show 


09/06/2023 - trio show, star and garter Chelmsford 

03/06/2023 - duo private party, Felixstowe tennis club 

27/05/2023 - party by the pitch, Woodbridge 


08/05/2023 - full band show, Claydon 

07/05/2023 - full band show, Hoxne pavilion 

28/04/2023 - full band show, Orwell hotel 

22/04/2023 - full band show, steamboat 

08/04/2023 - trio show spread eagle 

25/03/2023 - full band show, the Bacton Village Hall 

19/03/2023 - TRIO - LONDON 

17/03/2023 - trio show kelvedon 

05/03/2023 - stonham barns 


28/01/2023 - trio show, the reindeer, Norwich 

27/01/2023 - trio wedding Gosfield Hall, Essex 

21/01/2023 - trio show, spread eagle 

31/12/2022 - NYE @the forge - FULL BAND 

FULL BAND - Venue 16 Harry Potter Christmas parties 

10/12/2022 - full band show, Orwell hotel 

18/11/2022 - trio show, the blue boar, Walsham Le Willows 

19/11/2022 - trio show black horse 

05/11/2022 - trio set, Cheltenham, Red Hot Riot support 

28/10/2022 - full band show, venue 16 

23/10/2022 - duo show arcade tavern 

26/11/2022 - full band show kelvedon labour club 

14/10/2022 - full band show, the Jube Great Yarmouth 

01/10/2022 - trio set, steamboat tavern, with Red Hot Riot 

30/09/2022 - trio set Folkestone, Red Hot Riot support 

25/09/2022 - trio show, Jardins, Braintree 

16/09/2022 - trio show, the black horse, Ipswich 

27/11/2022 - trio show, two sisters arts centre, trimley 

25/11/2022 - trio show, coda Colchester 

10/09/2022 - full band show, mollets farm 

04/09/2022 - full band festival set, multicultural festival, Alexandra park 

03/09/2022 - trio wedding, Stowmarket 

28/08/2022 - full band show, the anchor, Stratford st Mary 

27/08/2022 - full band show, beertopia, Kesgrave hall 

27/08/2022 - full band set, Maui Waui festival 

26/08/2022 - full band show, Music Room Ipswich supporting Slim Jim Phantom 

13/08/2022 - trio wedding, Colchester 

12/08/2022 - duo show, the tavern rendlesham 

06/08/2022 - full band show, kelvedon labour club, Essex 

31/07/2022 - trio show, Norwich city centre, head out not home fest 

30/07/2022 - trio festival set Saxfest, Saxmundham 

30/07/2022 - trio wedding, Ellingham Mill, Norfolk 

29/07/2022 - CANCELLED full band wedding, Orwell hotel 

28/07/2022 - duo private party, Lay and Wheeler, Holton st Mary 

24/07/2022 - full band show, stonham barns 

09/07/2022 - trio show, trowel and hammer, Cotton 

08/07/2022 - trio show, Hampton court flower show, London. 

07/07/2022 - duo private party, Birketts solicitors 

03/07/2022 - trio show, spread Eagle 

02/07/2022 - duo festival set, Hamford View 

02/07/2022 - trio festival set, foundtown, Kent 

01/07/2022 - trio show, the Swann, Alderton 

22/06/2022 - duo show, university degree show, Suffolk college 

11/06/2022 - trio festival set, rendlesham show 

05/06/2022 - trio show, stennets field trimley st Mary 

22/05/2022 - trio festival set, beetlejuiced festival, glemham hall, Woodbridge. 

14/05/2022 - DATE CHANGE trio wedding, the wherry hotel, Lowestoft 

08/05/2022 - full band show, stonham barns 

07/05/2022 - trio charity show Orwell hotel 

01/05/2022 - trio show, stonham barns 

17/04/2022 - trio show, three wise monkeys Ipswich 

16/04/2022 - full band show, 2CV car event, st Ives Cambridgeshire 

15/04/2022 - trio show, coda Colchester 

14/04/2022 - duo show, Felixstowe town centre 

03/06/2022 - full band show, hintlesham golf club 

04/06/2022 - full band steamboat tavern, Ipswich 

26/03/2022 - full band show, trowel and hammer, Cotton 

02/06/2022 - trio festival set, stow fiesta 

04/06/2022 - trio Felixstowe jubilee festival 

04/06/2022 - trio set, Woodbridge festival 

19/03/2022 - DATE CHANGE full band wedding, elms barn, beccles 

12/03/2022 - trio show, Ipswich library 

11/03/2022 - full band private party, Fynn valley golf club 

05/03/2022 - trio show, spread eagle, Ipswich

26/02/2022 - Trio private party, john peel centre Stowmarket

04/02/2022 - Trio show, south east rock n roll club, Faversham, Kent

22/01/2022 - trio show, trowel and hammer, cotton

31/12/2021 - New Year’s Eve, full band at the Forge

17/12/2021 - trio show, coda Colchester

04/12/2021 - full band show, Orwell hotel Felixstowe

20/11/2021 - trio show, 16 steak house

30/10/2021 - D trio wedding, Haughley Park Barn, Ipswich

19-23/10/2021 - duo graduation ceremonies

01/10/2021 - Mill bar and grill Stowmarket

26/09/2021 - trio private afternoon party, Brantham bull

18/09/2021 - trio wedding, brook hotel Felixstowe

12/09/2021 - duo private show, Tito’s restaurant, Hadleigh

09/09/2021 - trio wedding, seckford hall

17/09/2021 - duo show Kingdom Forge Woodbridge

11/09/2021 - full band show, Mollets farm, Benhall

04/09/2021 - full band wedding Thorpe ness country club

03/09/2021 - full band wedding, Thorpe ness country club

28/08/2021 -  full band wedding, Copdock Hall

27/08/2021 -  duo wedding, (Rhys and Libby)

29/08/2021 - Maui Waui. Full band

21/08/2021 - trio set summerfest, Ipswich waterfront

21/08/2021 - duo daytime show, the mariners Ipswich waterfront

13/08/2021 - full band show steamboat

05/08/2021 - duo private party, Birketts solicitors

03/08/2021 - 2nd duo wedding, Copdock shall Barn, 

01/08/2021 -  trio festival set, Beetlejuiced festival, stonham barns

29/07/2021 - trio wedding, priory hall, Hadleigh

10/07/2021 - sorrel horse, Ipswich

04/07/2021 - full band bopflix video shoot, shadow gallery Ipswich

02/07/2021 - trio show coda Colchester

04/06/2021 - trio show Coda

29/05/2021 - full band show, music room Ipswic

30/08/2020 - trio afternoon show Leiston LTAA

29/08/2020 - full band festival set, Woodbridge Community Hall

14/03/2020 - duo private party, Trimley Memorial Hall, Felixstowe

25/01/2020 - trio private party, trimley sports and social club

07/06/2019 - duo show, arcade tavern 5pm 

08/06/2019 - trio festival set, Rendlesham show 

11/06/2019 - Duo set University of Suffolk, Ipswich 

21/06/2019 - trio show, Woodbridge football club 

22/06/2019 - full band festival set, ipswich 

05/07/2019 - trio show, museum of east Anglian life, Stowmarket 

06/07/2019 - trio wedding Willowmead, Wickham Road. Cotton 

13/07/2019 - trio festival set, little Scarlett 

14/07/2018 - trio festival set, Bures Music Festival 

19/07/2019 - Duo show, Mannings 

20/07/2019 - duo private party, Ipswich 

21/07/2019 - duo show, the forge ipswich 

27/07/2019 - Duo 12pm Set, Harwich Maritime Festival 

27/07/2019 - trio festival set, saxfest 5pm 

27/07/2019 - full band old hall east bergholt 

03/08/2019 - full band wedding Dan Freeman, Gloucestershire 

04/08/2019 - full band festival set, Harlequinn Fayre, Norwich 

11/08/2019 - duo show, rampart horse needham market 

17/08/2019 - trio wedding, Thurston 

22/08/2019 - trio show, head out not home fest Norwich 

23/08/2019 - Tallulah Goodtimes, Maui Waui 

24/08/2019 - Trio private party, braiswick golf club, Colchester 

24/08/2019 - full band daytime festival set, Ipswich Corn Hill 

25/08/2019 - quartet festival set, Maui Waui 

31/08/2019 - quartet private party, Sheringham Golf Club 

01/09/2019 - full band festival set, multicultural festival, Alexandra Park 

07/09/2019 - duo wedding, tannington 

14/09/2019 - duo wedding dans meadow Woodbridge. 

15/09/2019 - duo show, Hamford view centre, Harwich 

20/09/2019 - full band wedding, two hoots barn, sternfield 

22/09/2019 - duo show, the forge Ipswich 

28/09/2019 - trio show shepherd and dog, hollesly 

05/10/2019 - duo show, steamboat tavern 

27/10/2019 - duo show, the forge Ipswich 

01/11/2019 - duo show, Gladstone arms, Stowmarket 

02/11/2019 - trio headline festival set, cosmic puffin, coda, Colchester 

23/11/2019 - full band private party, St. Peter’s Ipswich 

29/11/2019 - duo show, Essex university 

07/12/2019 - quartet show Orwell Hotel, Felixstowe 

21/12/2019 - duo private afternoon party, Ipswich 

21/12/2019 - trio show, three wise monkeys Ipswich 

31/12/2019 - Full band New Years at The Forge 

30/08/2019 Impilabillies, Unity fest Burston 

14/03/2020 - duo private party, Trimley Memorial Hall, Felixstowe 

25/01/2020 - trio private party, trimley sports and social club 

30/09/2018 Trio classic car show, stonham barns

28/09/2018 duo show, the swan, holbrook 

22/09/2018 full band show, Black Tiles Martlesham.

08/09/2018 trio wedding, the Brooke hotel, felixstowe 

02/09/2018 Full band festival se Alexandra park Ipswich t

01/09/2018 trio private party, Colchester 

31/08/2018 Duo Show, Cake and Catwalk Ipswich

29/08/2018 full band wedding, Bressingham Hall and High Barn, Diss 

26/08/2018 trio wedding, Le Talbooth, Gun Hill, Dedham, Essex. 

25/08/2018 duo private party, afternoon show, Stoke by nayland

24/08/2018 duo show, felixstowe ferry fest

25/08/2018 full band show, Dedham cider and wine festival 

17/08/2018 full band and dj wedding, Ipswich school 

11/08/2018 trio wedding (katie and Laurence) 

04/08/2018 trio show, Kevin house

04/08/2018 trio afternoon show beachfest felixstowe 

29/07/2018 full band set, swanfest 

28/07/2018 full band and DJ wedding, Jane wharton 

27/07/2018 full band and DJ wedding, Debbie Robertson

22/07/2018 jimmys farm festival 

21/07/2018 full band wedding Talia, Hampshire 

15/07/2018 duo festival set, Somerset

14/07/2018 full band festival set 3pm Kelvedon 

13/07/2018 Trio private party, Holton St Mary 

07/07/2018 Trio set, Portman road 

06/07/2018 Trio wedding Haxells Farm, Peldon Road, Colchester 

30/06/2018 trio festival set, Aldeburgh music festival by the beach 

23/06/2018 trio set, three wise 

22/06/2018 full band show, Kersey Mill, Stone Street, Ipswich, IP7 6DP, UK

16/06/2018 full band wedding (felicity)

10/06/2018 Duo show, Kersey Mill

09/06/2018 full band show, the froize Woodbridge 

01/06/2018 duo show, Ipswich

02/06/2018 full band wedding, Eye 

26/05/2018 full band set Wickham 

26/05/2018 duo set, daytime Colchester town centre, vintage showcase 

20/05/2018 trio show, stonham 

12/05/2018 full band show, Lindsey rose cider festival 

28/04/18 trio wedding, the riverside centre, Stratford st Andrew 

13/04/18 full band show, Kesgrave Hall beer festival 

01/04/18 trio show at Warwick tbc 

02/03/18 duo show, the railway tavern, elmswell 

24/03/18 duo show, wickham market football club 

18/03/2018 - BBC Radio live session with Sue Marchant, Cambridge

15/03/2018 - Trio private party, The Hangar, Kesgrave Hall

30/03/2018 - full band [VIDEO SHOOT] the Rep Ipswich

02/03/2018 - duo show, the railway tavern, elmswell

24/03/2018 - duo show, wickham market football club

10/02/2018 - trio wedding, Tewkesbury

26/01/2018 - duo show, Spa lounge felixstowe

05/01/2018 - trio show, the circle bar Ipswich Regent

21/12/2017 - duo show, boys brigade hall, Stowmarket

16/12/2017 - Full band show LANDGUARD FORT

14/12/2017 - Full band private party, bury st Edmunds golf club

29/12/2017 - full band show, three wise monkeys, colchester.

24/12/2017 - Pompe show, Christmas Eve at the golf hotel

15/12/2017 - full band show, grosvenor, felixstowe

02/12/2017 - Pompe show, copas bar, Felixstowe

01/12/2017 - duo show, kings head, Stowmarket

11/11/2017 - full band private party, the institute hall, higham road, Stratford st

03/11/2017 - trio private party 0 School St, Needham Market, 

17/11/2017 - duo show, the angel woodbridge

25/11/2017 - trio set, Essex Arms Warley Hill, Brentwood, CM14

26/11/2016 - duo private party, the bell, walberswick

25/11/2016 - full band, Orwell hotel

23/11/2016 - Full band show, The Chanel venue, Dublin.

19/11/2016 - Full Band show, The Swan

18/11/2016 - full band show, spa Pavillion, felixstowe

17/11/2016 - duo private party, the golf hotel

12/11/2016 trio private party, trimley sports and social club

05/11/2016 - full band show, the fox inn finchingfield

28/11/2016 - trio acoustic set, Suffolk a community annual review, trinity park.

29/10/2016 - Full band Show, The Swan

28/10/2016 - Duo set, The Swan (Steve Kendall's Birthday)

26/10/2016 - full band set, spill festival, Ipswich.

22/10/2016 - duo private party, claydon Bahram community centre, Suzanne

15/10/2016 - trio party, the dove Ipswich

14/10/2016 - duo show, the Kings head, stutton

08/10/2016 - trio wedding, the plough and sail, snape

07/10/2016 - full band wedding, Chippenham park, Ely, Cambridgeshire

04/11/2016 - duo show, mannings, Ipswich.

10/09/2016 - duo show, Gainsborough library, ipswich

09/09/2016 - duo and full band prvate party, woodbridge town football club

23/09/2016 - duo show, frank Lee centre, addenbrookes hospital, Cambridge

24/09/2016 - trio show the Warwick

21/08/2016 - Pompe show, waterfront bistro

17/09/2016 - Trio Show, The Swan

16/09/2016 - trio show, five bells, rattlesden

18/08/2016 - Rockabilly Riot, The Swan

06/10/2016 - Rockabilly Riot, The Swan

26/08/2016 - Trio Show, The Swan

25/08/2016 - head out home fest Norwich

20/08/2016 - trio show, Newton road social club

13/08/2016 - full band, Orwell hotel

30/07/2016 - trio wedding, stradbroke

29/07/2016 - Trio set Swanfest, The Swan

24/07/2016 - trio show, Felixstowe carnival 18:15 - 19:30

06/08/2016 - trio show, the Retreat Stowupland

27/08/2016 - trio hot rod car show, Felixstowe seafront (12-2pm)

16/07/2016 - duo garden party for cancer research, whatfield nr. Hadleigh

23/07/2016 - Duo private party, fludyers function room

22/07/2016 - trio show, the grosvenor, Felixstowe

15/07/2016 - full band show, Kings arms Stowmarket

14/07/2016 - 'Who Sampled?' Josh DJ set, The Swan

10/07/2016 - Lockerbilly-OKE! Swan

09/07/2016 - trio show, the waterfront inn, diss

09/07/2016 - pompe show, global rhythms festival, christchurch park

30/07/2016 - Duo set, Swanfest, The swan

02/07/2016 - Trio Show, Thorpefest, thorpeness country club, the benthills.

23-26/06/2016 Glastonbury festival, Field of Avalon.

18/06/2016 -duo wedding, the croft monks eleigh

17/06/2016 - Trio Show, The Swan

11/06/2016 - Duo Wedding Isaacs

10/06/2016 - duo show, Dexters

29/05/2016 - trio wedding, whatfield village hall, hadleigh

28/05/2016 - Trio private party, high farm Dalinghoo

03/07/2016 - full band set, Ipswich music day BBC radio Suffolk stage


26/05/2016 - trio wedding, the orangery, Maidstone, Kent

20/05/2016 - Duo show Sutton Plough

21/05/2016 - duo show, westgate ward Ipswich.

08/05/2016 -  Pompe show, the gardeners arms, Ipswich.

07/05/2016 - trio wedding, debenham

27/05/2016 - Trio Show, The Swan

02/05/2016 - duo show Ipswich cricket club

01/05/2016 - Trio Show the Swan

30/04/2016 - duo show hand in hand

24/04/2016 - full band show, Felixstowe spa gardens 'long shelter garden'

23/04/2016 - duo wedding @ Greenfinch Church Hall, Chantry

22/04/2016 - Trio Show, The Swan

16/04/2016 - full band show, the fox inn finchingfield

09/04/2016 - trio show spring break car show stonham barns

06/05/2016 - Duo wedding, 1 hour All Hallows choice Ipswich,

02/04/2016 - Full band private party, trimley memorial hall

27/03/2016 - trio show, the Warwick, Woodbridge

26/03/2016 - Duo show Gladstone arms Stowmarket

25/03/2016 - Trio Show, The Swan

24/03/2016 - duo show the reindeer Norwich

18/03/2016 - duo show kings head, stutton

12/03/2016 - Full band wedding, stratford st andrew, Robin Beadle.

11/03/2016 - solo 9am - 1pm trinity park 'suffolk inside out' conference

07/04/2016 - Rockabilly Riot, The Swan

04/03/2016 - duo acoustic wedding, 14:15 Ipswich 1 short set (event org, catherine)

27/02/2016 - Duo show, the venue, kersey mill

26/02/2016 - duo show kings arms Stowmarket

12/02/2016  - Royal Ascot, 

21/02/2016 - The Bay Horse, Sudbury

19/02/2016 - the bull, colchester

13/02/2016 - orwell hotel, Felixstowe

30/01/2016 - Manor Ballroom, Ipswich

23/01/2016 - Labour club, Felixstowe

17/01/2016 - duke of york, ipswich

16/01/2016 - hand in hand, trimley

31/12/2015 -the swan, ipswich

24/12/2015 -the fox, newbourne

23/12/2015 -the swan, ipswich

19/12/2015 - fox inn, finchingfield

18/12/2015 - grand central, ipswich

17/12/2015 - cult, ipswich

13/12/2015 - isaacs, ipswich

12/09/2015 -all manor of events, henley

12/07/2015 - waterfront bistro, ipswich

12/06/2015 - wedding, orwell hotel

28/11/2015 - mginty's, ipswich

27/11/2015 - orwell hotel, Felixstowe

26/11/2015 - the swan, ipswich

22/11/2015 - suffolk punch, ipswich

20/11/2015 - the bull, colchester

15/11/2015 - gardeners arms, ipswich

14/11/2015 - hadleigh ansell centre

11/07/2015 - wedding, brandeston

11/04/2015 - stonham barns classic car show

31/10/2015 - the swan

30/10/2015 - fox inn, finchingfield

24/10/2015 - wherstead manor, ipswich

23/10/2015 - kesgrave community hall., ipswich

21/10/2015 - cult, ipswich

17/10/2015 - st peters, ipswich

16/10/2015 - kings arms, stowmarket

10/10/2015 - steamboat tavern, ipswich

10/07/2015 - museum of east anglian life, stowmarket

10/04/2015 - Selkirk, Ipswich

27/09/2015 - briar bank, ipswich

26/09/2015 - butley priory, rendlesham

19/09/2015 - warwick woodbridge

18/09/2015 - Dexters, Felixstowe

13/09/2015 - hasketon, garden party

31/08/2015 - dock club Felixstowe

30/08/2015 - garden party, bentley

30/08/2015 - fludyers hotel, Felixstowe

29/08/2015 - fox inn, finchingfield

23/08/2015 - gardeners arms, ipswich

16/08/2015 - waterfront bistro, ipswich

15/08/2015 - hand in hand, trimley

14/08/2015 - grand central, ipswich

08/08/2015 - stonham barns classic car show

08/03/2015 - Manor Ballroom, Ipswich

08/02/2015 - the dove, ipswich

31/07/2015 - isaacs, ipswich

25/07/2015 - ipswich waterfront

24/07/2015 - mginty's, ipswich

18/07/2015 - elveden inn, brandon

17/07/2015 - Manor Ballroom, Ipswich

14/07/2015 - bridge school, ipswich

07/11/2015 - suffolk food hall, ipswich

07/05/2015 - the swan, ipswich

27/06/2015 - hand in hand, trimley

20/06/2015 - dock club Felixstowe

19/06/2015 - stowfiesta, stowmarket

13/06/2015 - brriar bank, ipswich

13/06/2015 - oneills, carnaby street

06/11/2015 - the rep, ipswich

06/06/2015 - steamboat tavern, ipswich

06/04/2015 - henley, wedding

06/03/2015 - maybush, waldringfield

26/05/2015 - isle of wight wedding

24/05/2015 - fludyers hotel, Felixstowe

23/05/2015 - waterfront inn, diss

05/12/2015 - golf hotel, ipswich

05/09/2015 - waldringfield golf club,

05/09/2015 - stowmarket beach party

05/07/2015 - fludyers hotel, Felixstowe

26/04/2015 - waterfront bistro, ipswich

04/12/2015 - warwick woodbridge

04/07/2015 - westgate ward, ipswich

04/06/2015 - the swan, ipswich

04/04/2015 - owl and pussycat, Felixstowe

03/10/2015 - hand in hand, trimley

03/09/2015 - The swan, ipswich

27/02/2015 - duke of york, ipswich

21/02/2015 - The Gladstone arms, stowmarket

14/02/2015 - Manor Ballroom, Ipswich

02/09/2015 - dove barn, sudbury

02/04/2015 - the swan, ipswich

25/01/2015 - waterfront bistro, ipswich

23/01/2015 - the swan, ipswich

01/11/2015 - waterfront bistro, ipswich

01/10/2015 - the swan, ipswich

01/08/2015 - isaacs, ipswich

01/08/2015 - The swan, ipswich

31/12/2014 - the white hart, st albans

26/12/2014 - Bristol Arms, Shotley

23/12/2014 - the swan, ipswich

19/12/2014 - brewery tap, ipswich

18/12/2014 - the cock & pye, ipswich

13/12/2014 - Seasons Health Club, Beccles

30/11/2014 - the dove, ipswich

16/11/2014 - waterfront bistro, ipswich

15/11/2014 - guildhall, hadleigh

11/10/2014 - the gore hotel, london

31/10/2014 - owl and pussycat, felixstowe

30/10/2014 - the swan, ipswich

17/10/2014 - foxhall community centre, st celements ipswich

16/10/2014 - the swan, ipswich

24/08/2014 - beach road, felixstowe

16/08/2014 - the bridge, london20/07/2014 - greyhound, ipswich

07/11/2014 - kesgrave social club, kesgrave

06/09/2014 - kesgrave community centre, ipswich

06/09/2014 - blacksmith arms, st albans

05/12/2014 - the white hart, st albans

05/10/2014 - the forum, norwich

04/12/2014 - the swan, ipswich

04/11/2014 - genesis mencap, ipswich

01/11/2014 - Spill festival, Ipswich

08/08/2014 - the cock & pye, ipswich

02/08/2014 - Trio Show, Playford village hall

23/05/2014 - steamboat tavern, ipswich- solo

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